365 Entra Export Overview
How to Activate 365 Entra Export Services
Registering the Application
Setup Azure Storage Account
Now that you have the application registered, you need to connect it to a storage account where the exports will be stored. If you already have a storage account you wish to use, then skip to Step 6. Otherwise, proceed with creating the storage account in the Azure Portal (https://portal.azure.com)
Pick the appropriate resource group and name for the storage account, as well as the region.
Select “Azure Blob Storage or Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2” as the primary service, “Standard” as the performance, and “Locally-redundant storage (LRS)” as the redundancy:
Keep the default settings for everything else and hit “Review + create”
Choose name such as “entraexports” and keep the default settings and hit Create:
Go into the newly created container and click on “Shared Access Tokens”. Make a new SAS token with the following permissions only:
- Choose the expiry date for the SAS token.
NOTE: MAKE SURE TO REMEMBER THIS DATE. Once the token expires, the exports will no longer be able to be uploaded to the Azure storage account. - Click on “Generate SAS token and URL” and copy the Blob SAS URL:
- Go to https://my360.360visibility.com/ and submit the SAS URL you just copied to the “365 Entra Export” section and hit “Update SASURL”