Your Nonprofit's Financial Accounting Challenges Deserve a Modern Solution

Struggling with manual processes, limited reporting, or outdated software?

As a nonprofit financial leader, your mission goes beyond the numbers. You’re striving to maximize impact, fund programs, and keep your operations running smoothly, all while ensuring transparency and compliance. But if you’re relying on outdated systems like QuickBooks or Dynamics GP, the tools you use every day may be adding to your challenges, not solving them.

Understanding Your Challenges

Is Your Nonprofit’s Accounting System Holding You Back?

Many nonprofits using QuickBooks find themselves cobbling together financial data from different spreadsheets, scrambling to pull reports that meet the ever-evolving standards of compliance. And with Dynamics GP, you might be dealing with a system that lacks the agility to adapt to your growing needs, making it harder to manage grants, restricted funds, and complex donor requirements.

Ask Yourself...

Are you spending hours trying to create accurate financial reports for board meetings, only to question if the data is complete?

Do you find it difficult to track restricted and unrestricted funds across multiple programs, leaving you anxious about compliance?

Are manual data entries draining valuable time and leading to errors that could jeopardize audits or grant renewals?

Nonprofit Accounting & Finance Challenges

It’s a constant struggle: managing limited resources while trying to meet the increasing demands of compliance, donor reporting, and program accountability. All while knowing that the more time you spend juggling these tools, the less time you’re dedicating to your mission.

360 Visibility upgraded Dynamics GP to Dynamics 365 Business Central to address foundational challenges in a hybrid work environment at Heart & Stroke

"360 Visibility’s experience, expert knowledge, and collaborative approach ensured the successful implementation of a cloud-based solution that addressed our challenges, generated operational efficiencies, and improved reporting capabilities. The implementation of additional modules also contributed to automating payables, streamlining this process, and creating a significantly more user-friendly experience."

Kris Arnold, Senior Manager, Finance - Heart and Stroke Foundation

End to end nonprofit solution

Meet Dynamics 365 Business Central: The Fund Accounting Solution Designed for Nonprofits Like Yours

Say goodbye to manual processes, compliance worries, and disconnected systems.

Your nonprofit’s mission is too important to be held back by outdated, disconnected systems. That’s why nonprofits around the world are turning to Dynamics 365 Business Central, an all-in-one ERP solution built to handle the unique complexities of nonprofit financial management. From grant management and donor tracking to restricted funds and program budgeting, Business Central brings everything together in one platform, empowering your team to work more efficiently, make smarter decisions, and drive greater impact.

Real-Time Financial Access

With Business Central, you’ll have real-time access to your financials, from cash flow snapshots to detailed grant reporting, ensuring that you always have accurate, up-to-date information.

One Source of Truth

No more piecing together financial data from scattered systems. Business Central centralizes all your financial information, giving you a single source of truth that keeps your board, grantors, and donors informed.

Automated Workflows

Business Central automates repetitive tasks like data entry, invoicing, and expense tracking, reducing manual errors that can disrupt grant compliance and reporting.

Time Savings

By streamlining operations with automation, your team spends less time correcting mistakes and more time focusing on strategic initiatives and your mission.

Scalable ERP Solution

As your nonprofit evolves—whether you’re adding new programs, securing more grants, or expanding your staff—Business Central scales effortlessly to match your growth.

Adaptable to Changing Needs

The platform allows you to add modules, users, and functionality as needed, so you can avoid the headaches and costs of switching systems down the line.

Sector-Specific Compliance Tools

Business Central’s built-in fund accounting capabilities ensure compliance with nonprofit regulations like FASB standards, reducing your risk of audit issues or compliance failures.

Accurate Tracking & Reporting

Easily track restricted and unrestricted funds, prove how donations and grants are being used, and generate reports that satisfy stakeholders, auditors, and regulatory bodies.

A Modern Take on Fund Accounting for Nonprofit Organizations

Case Study

Customer Success Story: Real Nonprofits, Real Results

Cloud peace of mind means more time for your business

360 Visibility has extensive experience working with non-profit organizations, helping them leverage Microsoft Cloud solutions to achieve their goals. Our team of experts is dedicated to understanding your unique challenges and providing tailored solutions that drive impact.

Partner with 360 Visibility and empower your non-profit organization with the right tools to make a lasting impact. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your mission.

With years of experience in the non-profit sector, we understand the specific needs and challenges you face.
We offer a full range of services, from implementation to ongoing support, ensuring your technology works seamlessly for you.
Our track record of successful projects and satisfied clients speaks to our commitment to excellence.
We provide ongoing support and training to ensure your team is equipped to maximize the benefits of your Microsoft solutions.

Ready to Transform Your Nonprofit’s Financial Operations?

See how Dynamics 365 Business Central can help your organization save time, improve accuracy, and drive greater impact.