How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Cloud

We live in a world where 51% of users prefer mobile devices over a fixed desktop, putting 51% of Canadians on their feet and completely accessible […]

Jason Meilleur

Published: December 4, 2017 |

We live in a world where 51% of users prefer mobile devices over a fixed desktop, putting 51% of Canadians on their feet and completely accessible from anywhere. Well if your customers are mobile, shouldn’t you be too? Cloud computing is already a reality for most businesses and poses to be one of the greatest impacts on the Internet. Yet, many business owners are afraid to make the leap. If you’re one of them, here are five reasons why you should stop worrying and love the Cloud.

Flexibility (Work From Anywhere)

Cloud-based services are ideal for businesses who are growing and looking to become more efficient both inside and outside of the workplace. If your customers are mobile and making purchasing decisions outside of your 9 – 5 business hours, you could be missing out on a lot of opportunities. Companies shouldn’t have to limit their products and services because their current systems are inflexible and hardwired to their office. With a Cloud based Solution powered by Microsoft your business can access files, share data and collaborate on documents from virtually anywhere and from any device!

Disaster Recovery (Saving Your Business and Your Data)

Whether you’re on the Cloud or not, businesses should be investing in a disaster recovery plan. This used to be costly and time consuming. With the use of The Cloud, it’s that much easier to implement a recovery plan. With Microsoft’s Azure Cloud, disaster recovery, security, and backups are already there for your business to take advantage of. Better yet, the cloud experts at 360 Visibility can fine tune your plan and ensure your business can come back quickly in the event of a disaster.

Increased Collaboration (Built-in Version Control)

With your team using so many different devices, instead of transferring multiple documents back and forth through email, using a cloud based solution lets your team easily access, edit and share documents anytime from anywhere. Giving you and your team the benefit of knowing that no matter what device they use, they have received the most up to date file!

Reduced Costs BYOD (Bring Your Own Device Policy)

There are so many added benefits of switching to The Cloud and one of the best reasons is the cost! A cloud based platform gives you more freedom with your finances. How?

  • Less demand for in-house IT to manage and maintain physical hardware.

Cloud computing uses less electricity.

  • Not only is this great from an environmental standpoint but a Cloud provider will help with your electricity bill.

Eliminates a need for capital investment. Since Cloud solutions are available in a pay-as-you-go pricing model it provides savings and flexibility in several ways. And no need to buy new hardware ever few years!

Increase Competitiveness (Allows Businesses to Think Clearly and Act Faster)

Having all your business applications under one umbrella can really enable you to think clearly and act faster. Businesses that use Cloud computing gain an advantage in capitalizing on opportunities faster than their competitors. The Cloud allows companies to bring products to market sooner, making it that much easier for small companies to compete with large companies!

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