The Benefits of Windows Virtual Desktop

What is Windows Virtual Desktop? A virtual desktop is an internet hosted desktop service. This means your desktop environment (wallpaper, icons, folders, toolbar, apps, and widgets) […]

Jason Meilleur

Published: April 3, 2019 |

What is Windows Virtual Desktop?

A virtual desktop is an internet hosted desktop service. This means your desktop environment (wallpaper, icons, folders, toolbar, apps, and widgets) are remotely stored online on a server. This allows you to access your desktop and apps from any device, anywhere with the proper login information. It essentially separates the desktop operating system from the hardware. If you are away from your physical computer at anytime but need access to files and apps you can access them through other devices. Login at home on your tablet, PC, or mobile device and have access to your data and apps as if you were actually using your computer.

Microsoft Windows Virtual Desktop is a comprehensive desktop and app virtualization service hosted on azure. It is the only virtual desktop built for Windows 10 that optimizes Office 365 ProPlus. Windows Virtual Desktop is currently in public preview and promises simplified management, support for Remote Desktop Services (RDS), and multi-session Windows 10. Since it’s on the cloud you know it’s always up to date, secure, and highly scalable. You can virtualize and deploy both legacy and new apps to Microsoft Azure on Windows Virtual Desktop insuring users have access to every system a non-virtual desktop would provide. Virtual desktops are an appealing option to employers as they provide cost and time savings, increased security, and increased employee efficiency.


From an IT and operations perspective, virtual desktops are a highly beneficial tool. They reduce desktop management, infrastructure, and support costs. Upkeep and managing a PC accounts for 50-70% of the cost of owning a PC making virtual desktops a quick cost saving solution. This allows for easy account set up for new employees without needing to purchase, install and provide upkeep for a new system. New users can be quickly added or deleted saving management time and resources. It’s much cheaper to provide an employee with a thin client over a new computer. A thin client is a computing device connected to a network, without the hard drives, fans, memory, storage, computing power, and applications it can run on its own. Because of this, there is also a lower risk of needing to replace the device. Some companies also have a bring your own device (BYOD) policy where employees use their own device which they pair to the company VDI. The trend towards a mobile workforce has companies cutting back on infrastructure cost and office space to reduce operations costs.

Remote workers can save $7,000 a year and employers up to $11,000


Virtual desktops offer enhanced security to its users. Especially Windows Virtual Desktop, as it offers the same security Azure provides. Your computer hardware can’t be stolen, lost, or tampered with since your information is stored on a remote server. This minimizes security threats as corporate data is stored in a secure virtual private network (VPN) to insure only your employees can access the information. With simple permission changes you can alter who has access to files adding yet another level of security.

IT administrators have power over software configurations and upgrades ensuring everyone is on the latest approved software versions. With Windows Virtual Desktop the cloud automatically insures you are on the latest upgrades. Confidential company data remains in the data center where it is safeguarded by your IT team. VDI’s have a reduced number of data paths that need to be inspected allowing for quicker monitoring times. In addition, data is only rendered on screen for employees to view rather than arriving at the endpoint reducing the need for endpoint protection. The infrastructure can be easily monitored and audited to curb and prevent any security breaches allowing for a more secure environment.

Employee Efficiency

With the ability to remotely access your files at any time, remote workers have more flexibility than ever. Flat tires, bad weather, and travel won’t stop your employees from accessing information they need from another device to complete work. Not only will this make your employees extremely efficient but also creates a better work culture providing flexibility that never existed before. Many employees are no longer tied to a physical location in order to complete their work. Windows Virtual Desktop creates an environment that works with your employees’ schedules and allows them to work anywhere at any time.

Providing a VDI to your employees allows your IT administrators to save time on configuring new PC’s. Instead, using Windows Virtual Desktop, they can quickly clone unlimited desktops from a server which takes a fraction of the time. VDI’s allow for agile rollouts, uncomplicated maintenance, and reduced support requirements which all contribute to saving time and cost within your IT department.

57% of the IT industry in the U.S. is now remote

With the cost and time savings, increased security, and increased employee efficiency Windows Virtual Desktop provides, numerous companies are transitioning to this system. Microsoft provides it free of charge with Windows 10 and it can be installed on Windows 7. 360 Visibility can assist you moving to the Microsoft Azure Cloud to utilize Windows Virtual Desktop. You don’t have the time to worry about infrastructure details or managing everything. 360 Visibility’s Managed Cloud Services has a team of Cloud Solutions Consultants who will take care of every last detail to make sure your cloud is right for your business. Our team will help you understand the nuances of the Microsoft Azure Cloud and Windows Virtual Desktop to show you how it will fit in your business. We will give your free advice and design the right infrastructure what your business needs actually are.

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