Secure Your Devices With Microsoft Intune

Written by: Jason Meilleur
Published: June 18, 2020

Microsoft Intune

With companies shifting to a remote work environments device management security is more critical than ever before. Every company uses numerous computers, phones, and tablets which can be a full-time job to keep track of. Ensuring they are managed and secure is essential to keeping your data confidential. When data is transferred there are opportunities for hackers to intercept and steal valuable information. The continuous motion of data and the devices themselves provides many opportunities for them to be vulnerable. Tablets, laptops, and phones can be stolen or lost putting your company at risk. You can protect your company data and devices using Microsoft Intune.

Microsoft 365 offers a Device Management Solution that keeps devices and data secure. This solution is powered by Microsoft Intune. Intune is a powerful cloud based service used by small and Fortune 100 companies and works across iOS, Mac, Android, and Windows. Intune is included in Microsoft’s Enterprise Mobility + Security (EMS) suite, and keeps employees productive and company data secure. Microsoft Intune integrates with Microsoft 365 and Azure Active Directory to control who has access to information and what information they have access too.


Microsoft Intune is a MAM and MDM provider for your devices:

Mobile Application Management (MAM)

MAM is used for devices that are owned by your employees such as personal phones and laptops. It allows the administrator to protect and secure company-owned files while leaving your personal files alone. This restricts company data to approved apps such as office 365 email is kept in Outlook and Office 365 files are kept in OneDrive for Business.  This allows employees to use their personal devices to work with out worrying IT is controlling it. If the personal device gets lost or stolen IT can simply wipe the corporate data preventing and security issues.

Mobile Device Management (MDM)

MDM is the best option if your employees work on company owned devices. Everything on the device can be centrally managed. This includes all app installations, restricting the function or usage, or even blocking recreational usage. Similarly to MAM, if the corporate device is ever lost, stolen, or damaged the administrator can simply wipe the corporate data or perform a full factory reset.

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Microsoft 365 Device Management

Using Microsoft 365 Device Management you can enforce minimum security requirements for any device that is connected to your network. This has many security benefits that includes having control over where company data is saved. You can then selectively wipe corporate information off the device if it is lost or stolen.

Using Conditional Access you can control decides and apps that connect to your email and company resources. Conditional Access is an Azure Active Directory Capability that is included with an Azure Active Directory Premium License. You can use it to control which devices reach your Office 365 data. You can create permissions to access data based on their location, what apps they are using, or what time of day they are trying to access it. By creating small parameters like the ones above you can eliminate thousands of inbound threats and create a cyber security plan that works for your company.

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Cloud Security Assessment

360 Visibility regularly conducts Cloud Security assessments with organizations to identify a business’s security posture baseline and implementing security best practices using Microsoft tools. Contact us today to schedule a Cloud Security Assessment and Workshop tailored to your unique environment and begin implementing the security tools to ensure your business continuity.

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