Lack of Real-time Insight with QuickBooks is Keeping You Up at Night

Barbara Allen
Written by: Barbara Allen
Published: October 12, 2016

Sleepless nights are the first sign you’ve outgrown QuickBooks

QuickBooks is a great entry-level accounting solution. That’s why so many companies have built their business on QuickBooks. And as their business grows, it becomes obvious that QuickBooks will not be able to keep up. The warning signs are flashing bright, letting you know you’ve hit your limits with your current systems and when that starts, your future growth will be stifled until you step up to a business management solution that can keep up with you.

To help you sleep better at night, we’ve put together a list of growing pains you’re likely facing and some you might not have noticed when outgrowing your current accounting program. Over the next 10 blogs in this series, we’ll address these common growing pains and how a business solution from Microsoft goes beyond an entry level accounting software to keep your business going and growing.

Growing Pain #1: Playing “Find the Spreadsheet” Is Not a Fun Game for Anyone

As your business evolves and grows, your financial data becomes increasingly complex to collect and analyze, your supply chain isn’t the fine tuned machine it once was, and the many workarounds and hacks you and your team have put in place to make things work are starting to keep you up at night. When you are constantly entering data manually, spreadsheets will no longer be able to give you the insight you need to make smart decisions. Your people become reactive instead of proactive, telling you it’s time to look to the future. When you are resorting to creative workarounds, managing your business seems more challenging and time consuming than it should be, it’s time to upgrade to a business management solution that is ready to grow with you. Comprehensive doesn’t have to mean complex.

Microsoft Dynamics is a comprehensive, yet easy to use business management solution designed to help your entire business from financials, human resources, supply chain and customer relationship management, and it has powerful business intelligence built-in.

“We were relying on QuickBooks for basic accounting, but we needed to address long-term goals of our growing business and knew we would need a more robust solution that handled inventory management and manufacturing as well.” He continues, “With Microsoft Dynamics, we’ve evolved from managing each order individually as a one-off job, to a true manufacturing environment where we have greater insight and control while having uniform processes in place across the company.”

Travis Perkins, Director of IT for EMIT Technologies

Thousands of businesses have outgrown their entry-level accounting software and have turned to Microsoft Dynamics to support the next phase of their business. Stop playing games with your business data and implement a solution that will help you sleep better. Next week, we’ll explore the growing pain: Closing the books and managing cash flow isn’t as easy as it used to be. Until then, learn more about our cloud accounting and business management solutions. It’s easier and more affordable than you think.

This blog series addresses some of the common signs businesses like yours are outgrowing QuickBooks and how a business solution from Microsoft helps keep you on the path of growth. Growing Pain #2: Managing the Books with QuickBooks Isn’t as Quick and Easy as it Used to Be

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