Microsoft Dynamics Customers Run Programs in the Cloud

Written by: Jason Meilleur
Published: November 18, 2014



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    Look up, way up.
    This is where the future of Microsoft Dynamics CRM resides. That, reports Microsoft, is because some two-thirds of its customers currently manage their CRM operations in the cloud.
    That means almost three million of the organization’s 4.4 million Dynamics customers operate the program in Microsoft’s Azure cloud environment.

    The Cloud is Here to Stay

    This evolving reality is proof positive that the cloud is here to stay. Microsoft knows it, and so makes a point of endorsing its cloud-first, mobile-first strategy at every turn. This includes at the company’s annual Microsoft Convergence summit, held in early November in Barcelona.
    “We see tremendous interest in the cloud and we continue to see it in Dynamics CRM,” Microsoft’s business solutions executive vice-president Kirill Tatarinov told the media at this event.
    And of those holdouts who choose to run the tool the old-fashioned way — on site — most are in highly regulated industries that serve tens of thousands of staffers, like financial services.
    A wholesale shift that will see these larger companies move their administrative cores to the cloud is probably a ways off yet, say the experts, but the availability of public, private and hybrid cloud options makes the likelihood more so.


    At the Microsoft Convergence conference, Tatarinov pointed out that enterprise customers are not letting the subject of security scare them away from cloud-based choice in their product-updating migrations. “As organizations deploy new multi-frame workloads, those workloads are more often than not cloud,” he said.

    The Release

    Dynamics CRM 2015 is set to be released next month with new integrations with Azure, will support public, private and hybrid cloud-enabled environments.

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