How long should it take to implement a business solution?

Written by: Jason Meilleur
Published: April 21, 2014

Many businesses believe that it will take days or even months to transition to a new solution, but the fact of the matter is, it should only take hours.

The only time that implementing a new business solution can cause downtime and loss in productivity is if a business is using an inexperienced provider. This can be strenuous for the entire organization and can result in lost momentum and revenue.

How We Can Help

However, being a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, 360 Visibility has access to all the latest Microsoft Dynamics products and licenses and can therefore ensure effective deployment and best practices that guarantee revenue growth and time management.

Before making the switch to a new solution, the infrastructure team at 360 Visibility puts businesses at ease by providing a roadmap assessment – this is critical in helping to reduce risks when taking on a project of any size. Providing a roadmap assessment also means that businesses can avoid disruptions to their every-day work and risks.

360 Visibility’s industry expertise and close working relationship with Microsoft allows us to simplify the transition and have business up and running quickly. The reason for this quick turnaround is because 360 Visibility’s solutions include a user-friendly interface and templates that many organizations are already familiar with such as Microsoft Dynamics and Microsoft Office. Another reason for the quick turnaround is that our infrastructure team is present and active throughout the entire process and if needed, maintains support well after the solution has been implemented.

The deployment specialists at 360 Visibility have helped companies in a wide variety of sectors including manufacturing, hospitality, financial services, government, and property management. Working in such diverse environments has provided our staff with the experience needed to successfully plan, deploy, migrate and support many projects.

Learn More

Explore our Cloud Infrastructure Advisory Services page to learn how the Infrastructure team can help your businesses seamlessly transition into a new solution.

For more information about Microsoft Dynamics solutions such a Dynamics GP, NAV, and Business Central, visit our Dynamics 365 solutions page.

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