Defend Against Threats With Microsoft 365 Business

Written by: Jason Meilleur
Published: March 11, 2020

Combating Cyber Attacks

Microsoft 365 Business is an exceptional tool to combat cyber attacks. Currently, 90-98% of all cyber attacks start with Phishing, an attack strategy that is becoming increasingly sophisticated and more difficult to spot. Phishing attacks use to be full of spelling mistakes and false claims which were easy to see through. However, now they are much more manipulative and thought out. Hackers will do extensive research on their targets to learn their bosses’ name, their position, and how they sign off emails. These perfectly designed emails can even slip past security educated professionals. These attacks are engineered to release malicious malware and cause serious damage.

The key is to protect yourself despite human error. We recommend using Microsoft 365 Business. It continuously collects data every time a new threat is detected anywhere in the world and updates the global network. Billions of updates add to the network making it arguably the best source of cybersecurity in the world. You can learn more about their Intelligent Security Graph and start leveraging Microsoft 365 Business to protect yourself.


Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection

One of the security tools offered in Microsoft 365 Business is Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection. It combats cybercriminals in three ways:

  1. Safe Links

Malicious attacks are able to sneak past traditional security systems and still get into your inbox. Safe links provide time-of-click security for web addresses, email links, and office documents. This provides you protection from hackers at the time of click in case any get by. The protection policy is set by your Office 365 security team. Once you’ve selected your policies your Office 365 global administrators, security readers, and security administrators can view reports for Advanced Threat Protection. This allows your security team to look into security incidents and take educated steps to improve security.

  1. Safe Attachments

Similar to Safe Links Safe Attachments also open every file in a virtual environment to detect any cyber weapons. If the file is safe it continues to your inbox, but, if anything is detected it will never reach your inbox removing human error from the equation. This protection can be extended to include SharePoint, OneDrive, and Microsoft Teams.

  1. Anti-phishing intelligence

Anti-phishing intelligence is a tool that studies who communicates within your organization and how. When something out of the ordinary occurs, the system can check if that account has been compromised. The system applies a set of machine learning models together with impersonation detection algorithms to incoming messages to provide protection from attacks.

For enhanced security, you can add multi-factor authentication (MFA) beyond what’s available in Office 365. MFA allows you to control how often your employee is asked for authentication and where. You can also enforce Microsoft Defender on Windows 10 PC’s. This provides even more protection to combat against ransomware and malware.


There are two other important ways Microsoft 365 Business can combat cyber threats:

Start Using Multi-Factor Authentication

Azure Multi-Factor Authentication is an easy and effective way to protect a business from malicious attacks. 360 Visibility can implement MFA to help keep your information secure. This provides a second layer of security giving you the knowledge that your information is secure. When you sign in using your correct password it still requires you to approve the login on your phone. This means only you with your physical phone in hand can access your information. You can also set up safe locations, such as your office, that doesn’t require you to approve it.

Microsoft Defender on Windows 10

Microsoft Defender Antivirus is the next generation of protection after Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection. Next-generation protection combines machine learning, big-data analysis, in-depth threat resistance research, and the Microsoft cloud infrastructure to protect your devices.

Read about: Microsoft’s Unique Approach to Simplify Security

We are a Tier 1 Microsoft Cloud Solutions Provider and Managed IT Service Provider specializing in Cloud Security, Office 365, and Microsoft Dynamics. Start implementing security procedures using Microsoft 365 Business in your business to See Clearly and Act Faster while having peace of mind that your business is safe.

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