Using AI for Cash Flow Analysis in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Written by: Randy Villanueva
Published: July 9, 2024

We all know that leveraging advanced technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) can significantly improve productivity and ultimately, business results. But did you know that AI for cash flow can significantly help finance professionals streamline operations and drive strategic decisions? All with a little help from Microsoft. Its Dynamics 365 Business Central platform offers Copilot, a powerful tool that includes capabilities to enhance analysis and forecasting. By automating routine tasks and providing real-time insights, Copilot allows finance teams to focus on higher-value activities that drive business growth.

Let’s explore what else it does, how it can help you and how to get started.

Setting Up AI for Cash Flow Analysis

Cash flow analysis forms a critical cornerstone of financial management, enabling businesses to forecast future cash positions and optimize their strategy. In Dynamics 365 Business Central, setting this up involves several key steps:

1. Understanding the Data Sources

The Cash Cycle and Income & Expense charts in Business Central derive their data from the Chart of Accounts and financial reports. These charts provide insights into the relationship between sales, receivables, payables, and inventory – all crucial for understanding the financial health of a business.

2. Customizing Accounts and Financial Reports

Users can tailor the Chart of Accounts and financial reports to reflect specific business needs. Whether importing data from QuickBooks or manually adding G/L accounts, flexibility exists to map accounts accurately to financial reports.

3. Configuring the AI for Cash Flow Chart

This involves a structured setup, including:

  • Chart of Cash Flow Accounts: Defines the accounts contributing to AI for cash flow analysis.
  • Cash Flow Setups: Specifies how general ledger, purchases, sales, services, and fixed assets impact cash flow.

Initial configurations are provided, allowing businesses to add, modify, or remove setups as per evolving financial requirements.

4. Implementing AI for Cash Flow Forecasts

Forecasting AI for cash flow is essential for proactive financial management. Business Central facilitates this through:

  • Assisted Setup Guide: Walks users through configuring cash flow forecasts, including frequency of updates, account selection criteria, and integration with Azure AI for enhanced forecasting accuracy.
  • Manual Configuration: Offers a direct approach for users preferring hands-on setup via the Cash Flow Setup interface.

5. Leveraging Azure AI for Enhanced Forecasting

Azure AI integration within Dynamics 365 Business Central enhances AI for cash flow forecasting capabilities. By leveraging predictive web services, businesses can:

  • Automate Forecasting: Utilize historical data from receivables, payables, and tax records to predict future revenue and expenses.
  • Optimize Accuracy: Azure AI compresses transactions based on specified historical periods, ensuring forecasts align closely with actual financial outcomes.

6. Creating Custom Predictive Models

For businesses requiring tailored forecasting models, Business Central supports the creation of custom predictive web services. By accessing models such as the “Forecasting Model for Microsoft Business Central” from Azure AI Gallery, users can:

  • Customize Forecasts: Adapt models to specific business contexts and integrate them seamlessly into the cash flow analysis framework.
  • Deploy Efficiently: Publish models as web services, utilizing API URLs and keys provided by Azure Machine Learning Studio for direct integration with Business Central.
AI for cash flow forecasting model
time series model 1

Dynamics 365 Business Central allows finance professionals to utilize tools like Copilot and elevate AI for cash flow analysis from a reactive exercise to a proactive strategy. By leveraging AI for forecasting and integrating customizable predictive models, businesses can gain deeper insights into their financial operations, optimize liquidity management, and make informed decisions for sustainable growth.

Embrace the future of financial management with Dynamics 365 Business Central and AI. Data-driven insights can help your business make informed decisions and build smarter financial strategies. All leading to enhanced business resilience.

Connect with us and let’s collaborate on your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central implementation. We pride ourselves on building trust with clients and providing the tools and support you need to succeed. Experience the difference that a personalized approach to digital transformation can make. Together, we can transform your business.

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