5 Signs it’s Time to Upgrade Property Management Software

Written by: Marco D'Ercole
Published: June 11, 2014

UPDATE (2024): [Discontinued] 360 Property Management Software is no longer offered or available for purchase.

Having the Right Tools

At times, property management can be exhausting. That is why it is crucial to have software that helps companies run efficiently. If outdated software starts interrupting operations and creating more disruption than progress, it is definitely time for an upgrade.

5 Signs to Upgrade

PropertyManager.com, an online news source for property management, released a list of five signs property managers should pay attention to in order to know when it’s time for an upgrade:

1. Users can’t access the information they need, when they need it. If a property manager is working late or is out in the field they should be able to access information easily. However, if they’re relying on office staff to provide them with information about a specific property then it’s a clear sign that it’s time for an upgrade.

2. If users are complaining about having to input the same information over and over; or if repetition is a standard process for a business, then it is definitely time to consider making some changes. It is also important to note that the more businesses rely on manual processes instead of automation, the greater the chance for mistakes.

3. If your accounting staff is using a spreadsheet program to manage vital information about a property this is another sign that it’s time to invest in property management software. One reason being that the solution will be able to create customized reports making it easier to find and update relevant information.

4. If a company’s current property management software is more than five years old, it is vital that they look into upgrading. Technology changes all the time and it is important for companies to stay on top of new trends and products. This not only improves their business process but it also puts them in front of the competition.

5. Lastly, if a company has experienced growth and is looking to add more users to its system, an innovative property management software that can support many users will help companies run smoothly and reduce marginal errors.

How We Can Help

360 Visibility specializes in property management software and aligns its solutions with Microsoft Dynamics NAV. For more information on how our solutions can help your business, visit our website.

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