3 Reasons You Need a New Microsoft Dynamics Partner

Written by: Marco D'Ercole
Published: February 23, 2021

When you switched to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, it was likely because you’d outgrown your existing accounting software. Duplicate data, manual processes, security issues, and insufficient reporting are all problems with older systems and the main reasons people migrate to Dynamics 365.

But how about when you decide it’s time for a new Dynamics partner? Are there signs that let you know a new relationship is the way to go? To be confident that your Dynamics partner is right for your business and is totally aligned with your business needs, here’s what to look for.

3 Reasons To Choose a New Dynamics Partner for Dynamics 365

A Dynamics partner (aka a Dynamics VAR or value added reseller) knows what Dynamics 365 can do for your business. They also have an in-depth knowledge of tailoring the software to your business needs, cloud technology, and even your local regulations and requirements. They offer excellent customer service, including always-on availability and continuous support. 

Here are three reasons you need a new Dynamics partner to ensure you’re getting all you expect and deserve from Dynamics 365.

Customer Support is Suffering

If your current Dynamics partner is slow to respond to support calls, is understaffed, or has inexperienced consultants, that’s terrible customer service, and it can keep you from completing your day-to-day tasks. A Dynamics System Review is the first step to improving your Dynamics partner relationship.

Poor communication can be anything from not answering the phone promptly to keeping you hold for too long. Your partner might not keep you informed of important updates or maybe overly concerned with up-selling licenses and services. Your Dynamics partner should:

  • Offer dedicated local support.
  • Not give you the run around on quotes.
  • Be able to communicate clearly and comprehensively how they are managing your business systems.

Open and frequent communication is key to getting your business what it needs and deserves to grow and move in the right direction.

Can’t Handle Upgrades and Scaling Up for Business Growth

Business growth is a top priority for most organizations. If your Dynamics partner cannot scale your Dynamics 365 system to meet your growth plan, it’s a clear sign they aren’t the expert they claim to be but are more of a one-and-done configurer.

If your Dynamics partner can’t handle installs, migrations, or upgrades across product lines, you might as well not have a partner at all. While Microsoft offers “self-service upgrades,” most organizations depend on their Dynamics partner to help them get the most value from Dynamics applications. Your partner should:

  • Help you evaluate new solutions.
  • Tailor existing solutions to adapt to your changing needs.
  • Stay on track with your growth plans every step of the way.

Finally, if your current partner can’t install products that integrate with Dynamics 365, such as Azure, Office 365, Outlook, and SharePoint apps, they’re hindering your growth.

Lacks a Digital Transformation Vision

Every quality Dynamics partner has a vision and strategy for your business. They work to understand its goals, mission, and future to craft a singular digital vision for it. Your business is like no other, so why should you accept a one-size-fits-all Dynamics partnership? Signs your current partner lacks a digital transformation vision include:

  • Their goals are not aligned with your business needs.
  • They have not solved your key challenges.
  • They don’t have ideas for innovating and helping to future-proof your business.
  • Your Dynamics 365 implementation is poorly configured and not keeping pace with current trends.

What to Do Next With Your Dynamics Partner

You need—and deserve—a Dynamics partner who understands your industry and unique needs. One who not only helps monitor and guide you through a successful migration and launch but who will help you get the most out of your system for years to come.

Once you get to the point where you doubt your Dynamic partner’s abilities and commitment, you likely already know it’s time to make a switch. If you recognize any of these signs in your current Dynamics partner, it may be time to re-evaluate your relationship. Research reputable Microsoft Dynamics partners and find one who can help your business scale, growth, and succeed. Moving Dynamics partners is easier than you think and could be one of the best investments you make in your success.

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