The Importance of Company Culture

Written by: 360 Visibility
Published: May 11, 2017



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    Describe your company culture. When was the last time you had fun at work? Do you remember the last time your company had an event? Think about these questions and ask yourself, what’s the culture like at my company?

    What is Company Culture?

    Company culture is the personality of a company. It is your DNA, your fingerprint, your heartbeat, whatever it is that makes YOU special. Company culture refers to your company’s vision, values, norms, systems, beliefs, and habits. All that good stuff you say to make your company sound awesome. Now, putting up posters on your walls about your core values isn’t good enough, we’re talking about creating a better atmosphere to encourage engagement and retention. You need to make sure your employees are talking to each other and most importantly, not telling each other to leave.
    Your employees shouldn’t walk through the doors with an “I hate this place” look on their face. They should look forward to it, look forward to seeing their co-workers, look forward to the atmosphere, and most of all, look forward to the challenges. When your employees are in better moods, they perform better. When your employees perform better, it produces superior results for the company.
    Here at 360 Visibility we embrace culture.We have a very team-oriented environment with awesome monthly events, BBQs on our deck, and great open communication, which helps foster growth and learning.
    If you want to retain your employees while keeping them happy, remember these four tips:

    1. Free Stuff

    Regardless of how big or small your company is, people love free stuff! When was the last time you got free food, and thought, “I hate free food”? Never! That’s when. Free food is always appreciated at every level. Try starting off with small weekly treats like Timbit Tuesdays? Friday BBQ? That’s if your company is cool enough to have a deck. This may sound like a simple idea, but it definitely goes a long way. Especially when your employees are in the habit of skipping breakfast.

    1. Encourage growth

    Always encourage your employees to grow. Build a trusting environment and let them bring their own ideas to the table. Pair them up with a mentor or show them that you trust them and let them do their own thing. One reason employees leave a company is because they feel they have nothing else to learn. Those who are challenged, engaged, and rewarded rarely leave, most importantly, they perform at high levels. If your employees want to learn new things, support them.

    1. Communicate

    Communicating isn’t just about telling your employees what to do, it’s about spreading knowledge and building relationships. Admit it, we’ve all had a boss or co-worker we avoided. Make an effort to get to know your employees, help them express their ideas, and understand their emotions. Communication is a two-way street, don’t make it all about what you want.

    1. Have more fun

    Work should be fun. We’re not saying that people should forget about their responsibilities and bring an Xbox to work (although that would be fun. PS. We have one in the office). Think about how much time you spend at work in a year, why should it be boring? Most people want to have fun without being frowned at by managers and other co-workers. When people are having fun, it not only makes the day go by faster, but it boosts productivity and motivation. Try going out to lunch with your co-workers or plan a company event. Never, ever underestimate the importance of having fun.
    We know that company culture isn’t formed overnight. Whether you’re creating your culture from scratch or changing the one you have, it will take some time. Decide what kind of culture is best for you company and work from there. The modern workplace is evolving, why shouldn’t you?

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