Making Time – The Value Of Being Smarter With Fewer Resources

Barbara Allen
Written by: Barbara Allen
Published: March 15, 2010

In a recent example of Barack Obama’s estimable prowess as an orator, the president referred to corporate America’s ability “to squeeze more productivity out of the workers that they’ve got; they’re working people longer hours, they’re doing more overtime, or not, but either way they’re producing the same amount of product or providing the same services without hiring more people. And that’s something that we’re going to have to really work on.”

True enough. But the work’s already afoot up here at 360 Visibility, where we long ago recognized the value of being smarter with fewer resources.

The professional services challenge

The details of what constitutes time well spent in a corporate environment differ, somewhat, depending on the nature of the business in question. Certainly the ratio describing how much work one gets from an individual employee for how much money is a standard measure of productivity.

But this yardstick might find more application in a manufacturing facility than an architecture-engineering firm, given the nature and number of variables at play in the latter commerce-generating arena.

And the professional services distinction is complicated further by the abundance of occupational variety that makes up its ranks. On the face of it, a generalized approach to eradicating ineffectively run projects seems unlikely.

Could it be that the trick to managing all professional services firms effectively is kind of the same?

Best estimates

Quoting and forecasting are under recognized arts. At the end of the day, a professional services firm is selling expertise and time—nothing more—and a highly sophisticated grasp of assigning value to those intangibles is critical for success. Managers need to know how to quote accurately, distribute resources effectively and exploit billable hours thoroughly.

At 360 Visibility—where we specialize in agency, PR, management consulting, architecture and engineering firms—our solutions can help you to support the key functions of your business’s delivery of project-based services by ensuring that all your projects are estimated precisely and completed on time.

Increase your bottom line

We can help your firm introduce and manage the technology that will help you get a better handle on projects, expenses, and invoicing—always with an eye to boosting business control while maintaining profitability.

Our solutions shines a light on resource utilization—current and future—such that you get an exact, timely picture of what you’ve got and how to best parse it out. Casting an eye to current and likely professional engagements, we can plan for and coordinate resources to meet your project load, and see to it that your cashflow doesn’t take a hit with poorly planned billing.

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