360 Visibility Signs Kobo Books with Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Written by: 360 Visibility
Published: January 24, 2011



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    Kobo Books, a global eBook retailer back by large technology firms and retail companies, has chosen 360 Visibility to implement their new Microsoft Dynamics® NAV system.

    Based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Kobo Books chose 360 Visibility because of their depth of knowledge with Dynamics NAV and their excellent track record.

    The Challenges

    With Kobo’s rapid growth in the past year, they were searching for a solution that would solve their top three primary pain points:

    • Reigning in the rapid growth of Kobo with an intelligent reporting system.

    • Accessing daily revenue reports from their online sales system.

    • Integrating with online Kobo eBook Sales System for seamless visibility.

    The Solution = Microsoft Dynamics NAV

    360 Visibility & the Microsoft® Corporation took these challenges into consideration when recommending Dynamics NAV as the right solution to fit Kobo’s needs. 360 Visibility, back by Microsoft, identified Dynamics NAV as the right solution for Kobo because of its perfect price/functionality, its breadth/depth as a solution, its well-known graphical user interface for easier training and adoption, as well as its financial capabilities that could address all of Kobo’s requirements out-of-the-box.

    Moving Forward…

    360 Visibility will be working with Kobo to customize and implement their Microsoft Dynamics NAV solution to fit their financial requirements while integrating with their online sales system as well as Outlook/Exchange.

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