Property Management’s Perfect Storm

Written by: Marco D'Ercole
Published: February 9, 2011

UPDATE (2024): [Discontinued] 360 Property Management Software is no longer offered or available for purchase.

Last week’s Blizzard that Never Was in Toronto may have caught some of us with our snowpants down, but well-fortified property managers suffered no such shock.

The coolest property management technology, along with the clever execution and oversight of same, is capable of handling all things, including cold-weather combat.

After all, a looming dump of snow might inspire a nervous whack of school boards to cancel classes for the day, or office managers to urge similar restraint of their flesh-and-blood tenants. But the physical buildings in question continue to exist regardless of the decisions the humans that occupy them make.

How to Keep Your Cool

Staring down such a frosty scene, firms involved in managing commercial properties need to keep their cool. By working with other players such as on-site building engineers, they can scrutinize the spaces in question, inside and out, for possible problems. Everything from the potential for pipes to leak or freeze to the adequate snow-clearing of on-site sidewalks and parking lots must be addressed.

Add to these requirements the usual expectations of maintenance and management shouldered by a professional engaged in this realm, particularly in a period of financial duress. Now you’ll appreciate powerfully the need for dynamic, of-the-moment technological assistance.

In times of uncertainty or crisis, it’s more important than ever that smart property management come into play.

360PropertyManager© Solution

Enter 360PropertyManager Solution, a specialized software-based remedy to all your property management ills. With it, property management professionals can more expertly administer all aspects of their operations.

These innovative, people-ready business solutions from Microsoft Dynamics ensure that margins stay strong, tenants feel satisfied and everyone who needs to be is well equipped to handle whatever surprises — weather related or otherwise — come their way.

Our Tools

360 Visibility has long provided comprehensive and sophisticated software to its property management clients, along with the expertise to cleverly exploit it. Our tools:

Streamline clunky and repetitive management tasks like collecting rent and processing maintenance requests.

Increase resident satisfaction with instant, wide-ranging offerings.

Enhance profitability by slashing resident turnover, more closely administering expenses and maximizing the underlying market value of all properties in question.
Get an Insider’s View

360PropertyManager Solution is a cutting-edge new approach to the business that promises much to property managers feeling overwhelmed and under pressure.

Learn More

An executive briefing on this bit of innovation, held from 2:30-4:30 pm on February 15 at 360 Visibility’s corporate offices in Vaughan, Ont., will unveil this technological marvel.

Plan to attend, and to learn such valuable nuggets as how to:

Accurately project lease revenues and operating expenses.

Automatically flag upcoming lease expirations with adequate advance notice.

Minimize surprise costs by more rigorously managing maintenance schedules.

Reduce administrative costs by automating routine accounting tasks.

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