So you’ve implemented an ERP but still have islands of data?

Barbara Allen
Written by: Barbara Allen
Published: December 5, 2013

Data Integration

A recent survey by Scribe, a provider of data integration and access solutions, found that the biggest stumbling block for businesses on the path to data integration is an increasingly complex IT environment.

The report states that while customer relationship management (CRM) systems are increasingly transitioning to cloud, enterprise resource planning (ERP) and business intelligence (BI) systems remained in silos behind the firewall.

Why the Struggle?

“Businesses are struggling to reach the connected enterprise nirvana,” said Lou Guercia, CEO, Scribe. “With the continued move to cloud and complex hybrid environments, the lack of integration between these systems is becoming clearer and significantly slowing business value.”

To add to Guercia’s point, synchronizing product catalogs and price books and checking inventory instantly are all possible when applications are integrated effectively. Connecting a company’s back office to its front office is critical to building customer relationships, closing deals and growing business.

The Value of Customer Data

It is clear that customer data is valuable, therefore, bringing it together and sharing it throughout the organization is vital when it comes to growing a business. However, many companies still have difficulty with data integration. In a separate study, Scribe found that 70 per cent of businesses surveyed indicated that system integration is important but only 16 per cent report having it.

How We Can Help

As a Scribe partner, 360 Visibility help clients integrate their Microsoft solutions to their external systems. The team brings customer data where companies need it, easily integrating CRM, ERP, marketing automation, e-commerce, and finance and field service systems.

360 Visibility also delivers solid, practical, cost-effective solutions in all areas of technology, including hardware installation, software implementation, and physical maintenance of equipment. From consulting service to complete installation of your IT infrastructure, the team at 360 Visibility has the experience to meet your needs, and offer functional solutions for your enterprise.

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