The Cloud can Boost your Company’s Financial Health

Written by: Jason Meilleur
Published: March 10, 2014

Several months ago, Microsoft released a five-part blog series entitled ‘Five Tips to Boost Your Company’s Financial Health.’ Part four of the series focused on using the power of the Cloud…which I want to elaborate on through the eyes of 360 Visibility.

How Do You Know?

In the post, Jennifer Dorsey, ERP Volume Marketing Director, Microsoft, posed the questions: How do you decide if it’s the right time to move your systems to the cloud? And does it have to be all or nothing?

The Advantages

Dorsey started off by discussing the advantages of moving to the cloud, stating the importance of its accessibility and the cost-savings associated with switching over.

“You can make it easier for the right employees to securely access financial systems and data from wherever they are,” she said. “When you give your users this type of access, they always have all the info they need and their productivity goes up.”

Save on Costs

Dorsey also explained that the cloud offers savings to the IT budget because companies will spend less on software and system maintenance and will be able to use those resources for other things.

How We Can Help

As for switching over, the cloud solution can be fully or partially monitored by a Microsoft reselling partner, such as 360 Visibility, or it can be set-up as a ‘private cloud’ that allows businesses to login on their own through a personal and secure site that they manage.

Switching over to the cloud will allow your business to monitor financials, sales, inventory, human resources, and supply chain. And 360 Visibility has the expertise to help your business integrate and streamline the cloud to suit your needs and stay up-to-date with the latest technology and tools. We can help you move your team’s existing data to your new computer system, and give you the information and IT support services you need to drive your business forward.

The cloud solution accelerates productivity; offers a complete set of functionality for your industry requirements; includes subscription licensing that enables your company to pay for an ERP solution as an operating expense rather than a capital expense; and has high service availability based on the Windows Azure platform capability and security.

Ask Yourself the Right Questions

If you’re wondering whether it’s the right solution for your business, ask yourself the following questions:

1) Am I tired of buying more software than I need?

2) Am I tired of buying additional software maintenance annually?

3) Am I tired of re-buying the entire application every five years?

If you answered YES to all or any of these questions, then the cloud could be a good option for your company.

Let Us Help

Sign up for a free IT Assessment and let us help you decide if the Cloud is the right fit for your business.

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